To celebrate the 1-year anniversary of our partnership with Ori Oud Asia we are giving away a 3-pack set of pure Oud oil every week, for the month of May. Each 3-pack set is worth USD 650.
For a chance to win, simply email us at oudpromo@agroforestrygroup.com with the message, “I want liquid gold”. In the email include your name and telephone number. Winners will be announced on the 2nd, 9th, 16th, 24th & 30th May 2022.
Extracted from quality woods of Aquilaria Crassna in Eastern Thailand. The red brownish coloured oil exudes a pleasant and lasting aroma that combines of intense sweet and earthy tones.
Koh Kong
A luxury Cambodian oil refined, distilled and preserved to perfection. The process makes the fragrance more intense and more durable while highlighting the rich strong base notes
A royal quality grade of pure oud oil with sumptuous scents from Kelantan, Malaysia. The dark brown coloured oil contains a woody, earthy fragrance that releases a floral bouquet.